Personal To-Dos

You’re the only one who can achieve your goals

Happiness isn’t one-size-fits-all—it’s deeply personal. That’s why the second pillar of the wellyou program is all about your to-dos. From small tasks that bring you joy (or ease stress) to the big dreams that inspire you, this pillar helps you focus on what matters most to you and more importantly, take steps toward making them a reality.

At the start of your journey, you’ll create a personalized list of to-dos. Some will be quick(er), like buying a birthday gift for a friend or wrapping up your taxes. Others might be longer-term, like improving a relationship or learning to salsa dance. And then there are the bucket list items—those dreams that get you excited,  like seeing the Northern Lights, completing an Ironman, or writing a book. 

Every Sunday, you’ll plan your wellyou week with these to-dos in mind, creating a structure that fits your life and goals. This isn’t about perfection—it’s about progress. Even if you check off just 30% – 50% of your list by the end of your program, you’re moving forward, and that’s what counts.

What makes this pillar so powerful is that it’s yours and yours alone. Your list reflects what happiness means to you, and there’s a special joy in taking action on the things you know will bring you happiness. With every task you check off, you’ll feel a rewarding sense of progress and connection to your own well-being and, ultimately, a life that feels more fulfilled and uniquely you

Follow your goals, live them out, and watch your happiness unfold